
Pilates for Aging Gracefully: How a Strong Core Can Help You Maintain Your Mobility and Balance as You Age

As we age the importance and benefits of movement & fitness increase exponentially both for our bodies and our minds. Research has shown that it is has the biggest impact for the longevity in physical health and to stay mentally sharp. Doing regular physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of dementia. It’s good for your heart, circulation, weight and mental wellbeing

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Tiffany Lodes
Yoga vs. Pilates: What's the Difference and anyway?

When it comes to mind-body fitness, two practices often come to mind: yoga and Pilates. While both offer amazing benefits, they have their differences & similarities. Sometimes they get confused or considered the same thing. So I’m going to break down what makes them different & what they have in common.

One is a holistic philosophical & spiritual discipline originating from ancient India, the other a specific physical system devised by a German anatomist in the early 20th century: while there might be a lot of cross-over between yoga and Pilates, the two are inherently different.

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Tiffany Lodes
Your place or mine? Lets talk about building a home practice!

We all know consistency is key. Whatever our goals, trying to train for a specific thing, healing from injury, staying pain and injury free. Consistency is what is going to get us there and keep us there. Taking classes & doing private sessions is super helpful and important but what can make a lot of difference is supplementing those other days of the week with a short personal practice. IF for not other reason than to combat all the other things that impact our bodies during a typical week ( like siting at a computer, driving, being on our phones ) A simple short 5-15 minute practice can be just the thing to start the day, give a mid day boost, or end our long day

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Tiffany Lodes