Its Summer Solstice Time!

Greetings, dear sun worshippers, friends, and wellness warriors,

Can you feel that sizzling summer heat ( its just around the corner)? It's time to unleash your inner sunbeam and celebrate the Summer Solstice with a big burst of energy!  The summer solstice is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Here are some ideas to embody, celebrate and enjoy your solstice that will help you embrace the joy, vitality, and energy of the sun.

  1. Rise and Shine, Sunshine:

  2. Set your alarms to "sunrise" mode and kick-start the Summer Solstice with a burst of energy! Throw open those curtains, step outside, and give the sun a high-five (figuratively, of course). Embrace the warmth and let the sun's golden rays set your soul on fire.

  3. Salute the Sizzlin' Sun:

  4. Time to strike a pose and salute our favorite celestial superstar—the sun! Flow through a series of Sun Salutations. As you move and groove, imagine soaking up the sun's powerful energy, infusing every cell with its radiance. Channel your inner sun god/goddess, and get ready to glow like a human disco ball!

  5. Take Your Practice Outdoors:  Say "peace out" to the boring walls of the studio and take your yoga or pilates practice on a wild outdoor adventure. Find a picturesque spot—a sandy beach, a grassy hilltop, or even your neighbor's backyard (with permission, of course)—and transform it into your personal wellness wonderland. Feel the earth beneath your toes, let the wind tickle your skin, and soak up those sun-kissed vibes as you flow through your favorite practice & poses.

  6. Solstice Dance Party: Who says solstices can't be a party? Crank up the tunes, invite your friends, and throw a Solstice Dance Party that will make the sun blush. Shake off any inhibitions, let your body move freely, and unleash your inner dance diva or disco king. Dance like nobody's watching, except maybe a few curious birds and squirrels.

  7. Craft Your Magical Ritual: Let your imagination run wild and create a Summer Solstice ritual that's as unique as you are. Build a bonfire and release your worries into the flames, write down your dreams and bury them in the earth, or even have a starlit meditation session surrounded by fairy lights. This is your chance to tap into your inner magic and manifest your desires under the enchanting solstice sky.

  8. Sunshine Feasts and Hydration Fun: Summer solstice calls for delicious and refreshing treats that make your taste buds do a happy dance! Whip up some sun-inspired dishes like tropical fruit salads, vibrant smoothies, or even homemade popsicles that will cool you down and ignite your taste buds. Don't forget to stay hydrated with refreshing herbal mocktails or infused water creations that turn your hydration game into a fun and colorful masterpiece.

So, my sun shiny friends, let's embrace the joy and vibrant energy of the Summer Solstice! It's time to soak up the sun, ignite your spirit, and dance like nobody's watching (except maybe the sun).

Wishing you a summer of endless fun, lots of play, abundant wellness, and sun-kissed memories!

Tiffany Lodes