Why should we work on our feet? Some Benefits of Foot Fitness

Most of us don’t think about our feet until we have foot pain, can’t wear the shoes we love, or our feet are impacting an activity we love to do.

Fact is our feet are our base of support. They carry us everywhere in life & they take a lot of impact day after day.

They affect our posture in major ways. They can also be part of why we have ankle, knee, hip, even back pain! ( more on that another day)  Having feet that are fully functional, aligned and working properly will also do wonders for our performance, balance, and speed. If you want to get an edge in your sport, hobbies, dancing, etc try working on your feet!!

We spend time stretching and strengthening the rest of our bodies why are we ignoring our feet?

Who can benefit from working on foot fitness? I mean all of us but some special groups that might notice some major change:

Anyone with a common foot problem ( or those looking to prevent them )– plantar fasciitis, bunion, Morton’s neuroma, flat feet, hammertoe or hallux rigidus. They can fix it themselves and learn to avoid getting it again.

Athletes can prevent knee, hip and back injuries by ensuring that all four parts of the foot work as they should. Plus, fully functional feet will measurably improve performance.

Children may have foot problems that are genetic. However, if parents make foot care a family affair, children will develop healthy walking habits and have the best chance of avoiding foot problems of all types.

Want to improve balance and prevent falls? Older adults will be more stable and less likely to fall when their feet function properly. When the feet don’t work right, neither do the leg and hip muscles, so healthy feet also improve mobility and balance.

Want to wear those shoes you love? Anyone can wear the shoes they like – including stilettos – by using foot fitness to work the negative effects of the shoes out of their feet.

Dancers can prevent common dance injuries that can shorten careers, such as hip, knee and ankle problems. Say good bye to ballet bunions too!

People with chronic pain are likely to have a misalignment pattern in the feet that corresponds to their pain pattern. Changing the foot pattern can help relieve the problem.

Sometimes even the simplest exercise or change can yield results. This mindfulness exercise shows just how a simple change in your feet can change your entire body. See how much difference active functioning feet can make in the whole body?!

Try this simple mindfulness exercise for your feet

Activate your Feet - Lift Your Body

  • Stand and position your bare feet parallel to each other and hip distance apart.

  • Slump, dropping your shoulders, chest and head toward your hips.

Stay here for a minute or two, letting your entire upper body weight collapse. Notice how heavy this posture makes you feel, with so much weight bearing into your feet.

  • Now keep your feet in the same position but press them into the floor.

  • Press the toes down with extra force. Keeping the toes pressed into the floor, inhale and lift the entire body.

Feel how easy it is for the body to lift when the feet are engaged.

  • Next, try using the inhalation to lift the body without pressing the feet into the floor.

What happens? Do you feel your weight bearing back down into your feet?

What to learn more about your feet and how to take care of them? Check out one of my Foot Fitness Courses, Workshops, or Events

Tiffany Lodes