Foot Fitness: The basics about bunions

Lets talk about our feet! • This weeks chat: Basics about Bunions

Bunions are a pretty common issue nowadays. They can be caused by so many different factors. No matter the cause they all have one thing in common. You can get relief from the pain and there are plenty of non surgical things you can do to improve this condition.

So lets dive in …….

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the joint at the base of the big toe. The tip of your big toe is pulled toward the smaller toes and forces the joint at the base of your big toe to stick out.The large joints sticks out and the big toe angles in towards the other toes. The joint gets larger due to repetitive weight-bearing overtime, and the big toe pushes more into the second toe. The bunion protrudes to the side farther and the farther and eventually calcifies / hardens. The joint can become extremely inflamed and painful and be hard to bend.

What Causes Bunions?

While some bunions are apparently caused by inherited factors such as foot structure, many people get them without heredity being a factor. In many cases, the misaligned gate described as the heel to big toe gate is the one most responsible for developing a bunion. Every step the weight goes directly into the big toe. Tight shoes with narrow toe beds can be a culprit. For example stilettos with pointy toes shift the weight into the ball the foot and push the big toe towards the other toes. People who walk with their knees bent in towards each other and their feet turned out are also at risk for developing bunions.  What you need to know is that no matter the cause you don’t have to live with bunions!

How can I fix my Bunion?

Bunions are not hard to fix. Working your walking pattern and correcting your alignment will go a long way to healing your bunions. Learning about feet and doing exercises for your feet can help correct bunions and get you out of pain. Start with examining what your habitual walking and alignment patterns are so you know what to focus on and watch out for. Seek out a professional, class, or program to learn exercises for your feet. To support the exercises to correct your bunions you should physically prevent your big toe from angling towards the other toes whenever you can. Its a great idea to get a toe separator that creates space between the big toe and the second toe. Wear it at home and while you sleep.

If your bunion is just beginning, you have a good chance of preventing it from getting worse! You can even straighten out the big toe and restore its natural flexibility and movement. Once a bunion is deeply formed, you can reduce inflammation, restore the joints flexibility and stop it from getting any worse. The bunion bump might not completely go away but you can get rid of the the pain and discomfort. Either way you need to stay mindful and and don’t fall back into old patterns.

Try this quick fix to relieve bunion pain

Seated hold 1 foot in your hand. Take the joint of the big toe at the base in 1 hand. In the other hand hold the toe straight out in alignment and traction it directly outward. Hold this pull for 15 to 30 seconds - repeat a few times

If you want to get a jump start on working on your feet, solving your foot problems, and healing your bunions there are multiple ways to get started! You could take a workshop, schedule a private session, or try my 4 weeks for your feet on demand course and follow it up with the Bunion Fix plan for the most complete education and transformation.

This will  give you the support you need to retrain your feet out of the pattern that caused the bunion and become mindful of your habitual patters.

Check out my Intro to Foot Fitness workshop HERE • 4 Weeks For Your Feet HERE • Foot Fix / Bunion Fix HERE • Schedule a private 1:1 session contact me HERE

Tiffany Lodes